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Harga Pantene Shampoo dan Promo Terbaik Hari Ini


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Gabung WAG Komunitas Sahabat Hemat

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WhatsApp Group Komunitas Sahabat Hemat

Tabel Harga Pantene Shampoo Hari ini

Daftar Harga Pantene Shampoo per 160 ml Hari ini
Merk Harga (Rp) Harga 160 ml (Rp) Dijual Di
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 900 ml Rp55.900 Rp9.938 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 750 ml Rp55.900 Rp11.925 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 10 ml x 36 sachet Rp28.690 Rp12.751 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 290 ml Rp26.730 Rp14.748 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 1200 ml Rp119.990 Rp15.999 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 210 ml Rp21.000 Rp16.000 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 160 ml Rp18.990 Rp18.990 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff, Hair Fall Control 400 ml Rp49.900 Rp19.960 Indomaret
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 480 ml Rp61.700 Rp20.567 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Anti Dandruff 320 ml Rp42.900 Rp21.450 Watsons
Pantene Shampoo Fullness & Life 135 ml Rp18.490 Rp21.914 Blibli
Pantene Gold Shampoo Black & Glossy 450 ml Rp65.000 Rp23.111 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Total Damage Care 130 ml Rp18.990 Rp23.372 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Aqua Pure 200 ml Rp30.153 Rp24.122 Blibli
Pantene Gold Shampoo Strong & Thick 270 ml Rp45.000 Rp26.667 Blibli
Pantene Gold Shampoo Black & Glossy 125 ml Rp21.000 Rp26.880 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Hijab Edition Anti Ketombe 135 ml Rp22.880 Rp27.117 Blibli
Pantene Shampoo Hair Fall Control, Anti Dandruff 110 ml Rp18.900 Rp27.491 Indomaret
Pantene Shampoo Anti Lepek 150 ml Rp29.150 Rp31.093 Tip Top
Pantene Shampoo Daily Moisture Renewal 70 ml Rp15.150 Rp34.629 Tip Top
Pantene Shampoo Long Black 170 ml Rp40.000 Rp37.647 Blibli
Pantene Micellar Shampoo Algae Extract Detox and Purify 530 ml Rp135.800 Rp40.996 Blibli
Pantene Micellar Shampoo Algae Extract Detox and Purify 300 ml Rp80.300 Rp42.827 Blibli
Pantene Dry Shampoo Pro-V Perfec+On Shampoo Tanpa Bilas 65 ml Rp19.988 Rp49.201 Blibli

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