
Gabung WAG Komunitas Sahabat Hemat

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WhatsApp Group Komunitas Sahabat Hemat
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Gabung WAG Komunitas Sahabat Hemat

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WhatsApp Group Komunitas Sahabat Hemat

Daftar harga Cracker hari ini 3 Mar 2025

SKU Harga Harga per 100 gr Toko
Khong Guan Saltcheese Regular 200 gr Rp6.100 Rp3.000 / 100 gr Blibli
Roma Malkist Kelapa Kopyor 226 gr Rp7.450 Rp32 / gr Blibli
Khong Guan Malkist Crackers 200 gr Rp7.790 Rp3.800 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Malkist Salt Pepper Crackers 215 gr Rp8.500 Rp3.900 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Roma Malkist Crackers 27 gr X 10 sachet Rp10.600 Rp39 / gr Blibli
Khong Guan Malkist Kelapa 230 gr Rp9.350 Rp4.000 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Roma Malkist Crackers 135 gr Rp5.500 Rp40 / gr Blibli
Khong Guan Saltcheese Sweet Spicy 200 gr Rp8.250 Rp4.100 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Saltcheese BBQ 200 gr Rp8.250 Rp4.100 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Cream Crackers 200 gr Rp8.300 Rp4.100 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Roma Malkist Abon 250 gr Rp10.300 Rp41 / gr Blibli
Nissin Crispy Crackers 250 gr Rp10.500 Rp4.200 / 100 gr Blibli
Roma Malkist Crackers 250 gr Rp10.700 Rp42 / gr Blibli
Nissin Crispy Crackers 225 gr Rp10.300 Rp4.500 / 100 gr Blibli
Roma Malkist Abon 135 gr Rp6.290 Rp46 / gr TIP TOP
Roma Malkist Cream Crackers 135 gr Rp6.290 Rp46 / gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Malkist Crackers 135 gr Rp6.490 Rp4.800 / 100 gr Blibli
Khong Guan Cream Crackers Metalized 300 gr Rp14.525 Rp4.800 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Gery Malkist Saluut Chocolate 18 gr X 20 pcs Rp17.600 Rp48 / gr Blibli
Gery Malkist Saluut Sweet Cheese 18 gr X 20 pcs Rp17.800 Rp49 / gr Blibli
Roma Malkist Kelapa Kopyor 19 gr X 10 sachet Rp9.350 Rp49 / gr Blibli
Khong Guan Malkist Abon Sapi 135 gr Rp6.750 Rp5.000 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Malkist Seaweed 135 gr Rp6.750 Rp5.000 / 100 gr Blibli
Khong Guan Malkist Sayur 135 gr Rp6.750 Rp5.000 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Gery Malkist Saluut Matcha Latte 18 gr X 20 pcs Rp18.100 Rp50 / gr Blibli
Khong Guan Cream Crackers 115 gr Rp6.025 Rp5.200 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Saltcheese Combo 190 gr Rp10.175 Rp5.300 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Saltcheese Combociz 190 gr Rp10.175 Rp5.300 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Saltcheese Comberry 190 gr Rp10.175 Rp5.300 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Gery Malkist Saluut Chocolate 140 gr Rp7.450 Rp53 / gr Blibli
Khong Guan Malkist Salut Cokelat 120 gr Rp6.550 Rp5.400 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Saltcheese Combociz 20 gr X 10 pcs Rp10.900 Rp5.400 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Saltines Crackers 150 gr Rp8.300 Rp5.500 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Saltines Crackers Vegetables 150 gr Rp8.300 Rp5.500 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Roma Malkist Cokelat 105 gr Rp6.200 Rp59 / gr Blibli
Gery Malkist Saluut Sweet Cheese 110 gr Rp6.700 Rp60 / gr TIP TOP
Gery Malkist Saluut Chocolate 110 gr Rp6.700 Rp60 / gr TIP TOP
Roma Malkist Keju Manis 115 gr Rp6.970 Rp60 / gr Blibli
Nissin Golden Malkist Chocolate 120 gr Rp7.500 Rp6.200 / 100 gr Blibli
Gery Malkist Saluut Chocolate Coconut 105 gr Rp6.700 Rp63 / gr TIP TOP
Gery Malkist Saluut Coconut 105 gr Rp6.700 Rp63 / gr TIP TOP
Khong Guan Saltcheese Combo 17 gr X 10 pcs Rp10.900 Rp6.400 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Roma Malkist Crackers 27 gr X 8 sachet Rp13.990 Rp64 / gr Blibli
Roma Malkist Cappuccino 115 gr Rp7.625 Rp66 / gr TIP TOP
Gery Malkist Saluut Matcha Latte 110 gr Rp7.450 Rp67 / gr Blibli
Khong Guan Malkist Abon Sapi 800 gr Rp55.775 Rp6.900 / 100 gr TIP TOP
Gery Malkist Saluut Coconut 110 gr Rp7.600 Rp69 / gr Blibli
Roma Malkist Cokelat Kelapa 95 gr Rp6.750 Rp71 / gr Blibli
Nissin Golden Malkist Butter 120 gr Rp8.990 Rp7.400 / 100 gr Blibli
Gery Malkist Saluut Double Abon 105 gr Rp7.900 Rp75 / gr Blibli
Kokola Cream Crackers Choco 240 gr Rp24.900 Rp7.700 / 100 gr Superindo
Roma Malkist Keju Tabur 132 gr Rp10.200 Rp77 / gr Alfamart
Nissin Crispy Crackers 750 gr Rp60.700 Rp8.000 / 100 gr Blibli
Khong Guan Gabin Coklat 100 gr Rp8.500 Rp8.500 / 100 gr Blibli
Roma Malkist Keju Tabur 165 gr Rp16.200 Rp98 / gr Blibli
Khong Guan Saltcheese 336 gr Rp33.850 Rp10.000 / 100 gr Blibli
365 Crackers Festive Bites 280 gr Rp28.900 Rp10.300 / 100 gr Superindo
Gery Krekers Beras Asin 6 gr X 10 bungkus Rp15.500 Rp258 / gr Blibli
Nissin See Hong Puff 250 gr Rp4.700 - Rp4.700 Rp1.800 / 100 gr - Rp1.800 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Khong Guan Malkist Kornet 135 gr Rp4.250 - Rp5.000 Rp3.100 / 100 gr - Rp3.700 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Ritz Crackers 300 gr Rp10.650 - Rp10.650 Rp3.500 / 100 gr - Rp3.500 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Kokola Malkist Susu 238 gr Rp8.990 - Rp9.490 Rp3.700 / 100 gr - Rp3.900 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Interbis Chocolate Crackers 160 gr Rp6.000 - Rp6.000 Rp3.700 / 100 gr - Rp3.700 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Indomaret Malkist Crackers 125 gr Rp4.900 - Rp6.500 Rp3.900 / 100 gr - Rp5.200 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Nissin Crispy Crackers Lemon 200 gr Rp8.200 - Rp11.200 Rp4.100 / 100 gr - Rp5.600 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Kokola Milk Crackers 110 gr Rp4.975 - Rp5.590 Rp4.500 / 100 gr - Rp5.000 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Roma Malkist Abon 105 gr Rp5.400 - Rp8.200 Rp51 / gr - Rp84 / gr Belum ada promo
Gery Malkist Saluut Sweet Cheese 105 gr Rp5.900 - Rp5.900 Rp56 / gr - Rp56 / gr Belum ada promo
Roma Sandwichi Crackers Krim Lemon 114 gr Rp6.700 - Rp6.700 Rp5.800 / 100 gr - Rp5.800 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Paroti Malkist Crackers Salut Chocolaate 105 gr Rp6.900 - Rp7.900 Rp6.500 / 100 gr - Rp7.500 / 100 gr Belum ada promo
Tini Wini Biti Whizpy Gummy Bubble Gum 22 gr Rp2.690 - Rp2.690 Rp122 / gr - Rp122 / gr Belum ada promo
Delfi Orion O'Rice Seaweed 111 gr Rp15.900 - Rp15.900 Rp14.300 / 100 gr - Rp14.300 / 100 gr Belum ada promo

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