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Lemari Es SBS PRS 460B
Side By Side Inverter 450 L
SJ-IF91PG | Kulkas Side By Side 695 L GB
21% Rp16.499.000 Rp20.999.000
Cicilan Rp. 2.749.833 x 6 Bulan Garansi Kompresor 10 Tahun Sparepart 1 Tahun Kapasitas 639 L | Stainless | Konsumsi Daya Tetapan 173-206 Watt | Dimensi : 76,8 x 89,2 x 183 cm |
AQR-IG525AM Multidoor Refrigerator
Side By Side 456 & 541 L
LE50AQT6600 | LED TV
4% Rp7.279.000 Rp7.599.000
4K HRD. Smart TV. Resolutioon 3840 x 2160. Android 9.0. Smart AI-AI Smart Voice by Google Assistant. Smart AI-Android Devices IoT Hub. One Touch Remote for Netflix & Youtube. Buetooth. Power Consumption : 120W. Garansi 2 Tahun Panel
8% Rp10.799.000 Rp11.799.000
Reff Side By Side Design, Inverter Compressor, Tempered Glass Door, Multi Dyna Cooling, Lux Interior Design, Allumunium Air Duct, LED Touch Screen, Adjustable Shelf, recess Handle, Daya 100 W, Dimensi : 66 x 177 x 90 cm, Garansi 10 Tahun Kompresor
6% Rp10.999.000 Rp11.799.000
Cicilan Rp. 916.583 x 12 Bulan 563L, Side By Side Design, Inverter Compressor, Tempered Glass Door, Multi Dyna Cooling, Allumunium Air Duct, LED Touch Screen, Dimensi 66 x 90 x 177 cm, Garansi 10 Tahun Kompresor
AQUA 528000 ml
AQR 575-IG
8% Rp10.999.000 Rp11.999.000
Lemari Es SBS 575L, Side By Sie Kulkas, Dynamic ABT, Deo Fresh, Magic Cooling, Twin Inverter Technolgoty, Digital Temperature Control, LED Lamp, Smart Display, Bigger Vegetable Box, 10 years compressor warranty
Reff Side by Side Design 563 L, Inverter Compressor, Tempered Glass Door, Multi Dyna Cooling, Lux Interior Design, Allumunium Air Duct, LED Touch Screen, Adjustable Shelf, Recess Handle, Daya : 100 W, Dimension : 66 x 177 x 90 cm, Garansi 10 Tahun Kompresor
6% Rp11.999.000 Rp12.799.000
Reff Side by Side Design 541 L, Anti Bacterial Metal Door, HCS-Humidity & Dry Zone, DEO Fresh, Precise Multi Door, 90 derjat auto Suspension, Digital Temperature Control, Adjustable Shelves, Twin Inverter, Daya : 44 W, Dimension : 64 .7x 177.5 x 90.5 cm, Garansi 12 Tahun Kompresor
Bimoli Minyak Goreng 2000 ml
Rp1.800 / 100 ml
Rp1.900 / 100 ml
Rp2.000 / 100 ml
Rp2.100 / 100 ml
Regal Assorted Biscuit 345 gr
Rp7.500 / 100 gr
Rp8.600 / 100 gr
Rp9.800 / 100 gr
ABC Syrup Squash Delight Jeruk Florida 460 ml
Rp2.300 / 100 ml
Rp2.500 / 100 ml
Rp3.200 / 100 ml
Silver Queen Chocolate Cashew 58 gr
Rp120 / gr
Rp269 / gr
Rp325 / gr
Campina Ice Cream Neapolitan 700 ml
Rp35 / ml
Rp36 / ml
Rp57 / ml
Rp66 / ml
Ultra Milk Susu UHT Coklat 1000 ml
Rp1.500 / 100 ml
Rp1.600 / 100 ml
Rp1.700 / 100 ml
Rp2.200 / 100 ml
Anak Raja Beras Kristal Super Kepala 5000 gr
Rp1.400 / 100 gr
Gulaku Gula Tebu Kuning 1000 gr
Rp17 / pcs
Rp21 / pcs
Sedaap Mie Goreng Original 90 gr X 5 pcs
Rp29 / gr
Rp30 / gr
Rp34 / gr
Fitti Pants XL26 26 pcs
Rp1.919 / pcs
Rp2.097 / pcs
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