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AH-X6ZY AC 1/2 PK Inverter
10% Rp4.288.000 Rp4.799.000
Kapasitas 1/2PK, 5.000 Btu/h, R32, Power 380 W, Eco Mode, J-Tech Inverter, Indoor 848 x 294 x 204 mm, Outdoor 598 x 495 x 265 mm, Garansi 10 Tahun Kompresor, 1 Tahun Sparepart, Gratis Instalasi Bracket Dan Pipa 5m
CS/CU-LN9WKJ AC Standar 1 PK
15% Rp4.888.000 Rp5.799.000
- Kapasitas 1PK, 9.000 Btu/h, R32, Power 760 W, Bluefin, EcoTouch, Low Voltage, Indoor 290 x 799 x 209 mm, Outdoor 490 x 650 x 230 mm, Gratis Instalasi, Bracket Dan Pipa 5m, Garansi 3 Tahun Kompresor 1 Tahun Sparepart
2MKC30QVM | AC Multi Split 1/2 PK
12% Rp11.099.000 Rp12.699.000
Power 600 Watt, R32, 1/2 PK + 3/4 PK AC Multi Split Inverte, Indoor Size : 25.5 x 77 x 23.3 cm, Outdoor Size : 55 x 66 x 29cm, Garansi 3 Tahun Kompresor, 3 Tahun Sparepart
7% Rp11.799.000 Rp12.699.000
Garansi Kompresor 3 Tahun, Sparepart 3 Tahun. Gratis Instalasi pipa 10m + Bracket senilai 1,1juta Power : 690 Watt | R32 | 1/2 PK + 3/4 PK AC Multi Split Inverter | Indoor Size : 28,5 x 77 x 22,3 cm | Outdoor Size : 55 x 68 x 29 cm
- Power : 690 Watt - R32 - 1/2 PK + 3/4 PK AC Multi Split Inverter - Indoor Size : 28,5 x 77 x 22,3 cm - Outdoor Size : 55 x 68 x 29 cm - Garansi Motor 3 Tahun - Sparepart 3 Tahun - Gratis Instalasi, Pipa 10 m + Bracket Senilai Rp. 1.100.000
STKQ15UV | AC 1/2 PK
9% Rp5.699.000 Rp6.299.000
Kapasitas 1/2 PK Inverter, 5.100 Btu/h, R32, Power 420 W, Anti Corossion, Super PCB, Indoor 29 x 77 x 22 cm, Outdoor 41 x 69 x 24 cm, Gratis Instalasi Bracket & Pipa 5m, Garansi 3 Tahun Kompresor, 3 Tahun Sparepart
12% Rp10.999.000 Rp12.599.000
Power 690 Watt, R32, 1/2PK + 3/4 PK AC Multi Split Inverter, Indoor Size : 28,5 x 77 x 22,3 cm, Outdoor Size : 55 x 68 x 29 cm, Garansi AC Daikin Inverter (3 Tahun Sparepart + 3 Tahun Kompresor), Gratis Instalasi, Bracket, Pipa 10M
King Rabbit
Bed sheet Bambu Velvet
36% Rp189.000 Rp299.000
Kids Collection 120 x 200 x 40 cm
Paket Deluxe
41% Rp8.899.000 Rp15.144.300
Elephant Set 2 in 1 120x200cm
9% Rp2.999.000 Rp3.299.000
Pembayaran hanya dengan transaksi BCA. Stok Terbatas!
Cicilan Tanpa Kartu Kredit 0% Homecredit 7 Bulan.
Fortune Minyak Goreng 2000 ml
Rp1.800 / 100 ml
Rp1.900 / 100 ml
Rp2.100 / 100 ml
Cadbury Dairy Milk Cashew Nut 62 gr
Rp153 / gr
Rp159 / gr
Rp160 / gr
Rp168 / gr
Rp238 / gr
Campina Heart Strawberry Chocolate Vanilla 85 ml
Rp4.100 / 100 ml
Rp6.200 / 100 ml
Rp6.700 / 100 ml
Rp12.900 / 100 ml
Khong Guan Assorted Biscuit Red Persegi 1600 gr
Rp63 / gr
Rp65 / gr
Rp70 / gr
Rp72 / gr
Indomilk Susu UHT Full Cream Plain 950 ml
Rp1.400 / 100 ml
Rp1.500 / 100 ml
Rp1.700 / 100 ml
Sania Beras Premium 5000 gr
Rp14 / gr
Gulaku Gula Tebu Kuning 1000 gr
Rp1.700 / 100 gr
Rp2.100 / 100 gr
Sedaap Mie Goreng Original 90 gr X 5 pcs
Rp27 / gr
Rp29 / gr
Rp30 / gr
Rp32 / gr
Sweety Bronze Pants Dry X-Pert M32 32 pcs
Rp1.770 / pcs
Rp1.995 / pcs
Rp1.999 / pcs
Rp2.079 / pcs
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Electronic City
Watsons Pinky Promise Disc. up to 50% + Extra up to 10% Member + Voucher 50K