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UQ7500 UHD TV 43UQ7500PSF 43 Inch
33% Rp3.999.000 Rp5.999.000
4K Smart TV; Prossesor AI a5 Gen5; ThinQ AI & WebOS; Active HDR; Game Dashboard & Optimizer; Resolusi : 3.840 x 2.160; Konsumsi Daya Tetapan : 54 Watt; Dimensi : 96,5 x 55,9 x 2,5 cm Garansi Panel 1 Tahun
QA43LS05BAK The Sero 4K TV
28% Rp11.599.000 Rp16.299.000
QLED TV 43 Inci 4K Smart TV, AUto Rotation, MAximal Resolution : 3.840 x 2.160, Google Assistant Built-In, SMartThings, Auto Game Mode (ALLM), Daya Tetapan 140 W, DImensi : 136,5 x 27,2 x 73,8cm, Display Hanya Di KHI & Bintaro, Garansi 1 Tahun Panel
AN05CDG | AC Standart 1/2 PK
7% Rp3.499.000 Rp3.799.000
Spesifikasi : - AC SPlit - 5000 Btu/h - 393 Watt - R32 - Indoor : 66 x 48,2 x 24 cm - Smart Mode - LED Display - Self Diagnosis - Gas Leakage Detection - Gratis Instalasi, Pipa 5m + Bracket Senilai Rp750.000 - Sparepart 3 Tahun - Garansi Kompresor 5 Tahun
AR05AYHLAWKNSE Alpha Inverter Air Conditioner 0.5 PK
16% Rp4.699.000 Rp5.599.000
Inverter, 5.000 Btu/h, R32, Power 485 W, Smart Air Flow, Rapid Cooling, Indoor 70 x 26 x 20 cm, Outdoor 77 x 29 x 50 cm, Garansi 10 Tahun KOmpresor, 1 Tahun Sparepart, Gratis Instalasi Bracket Dan Pipa 5m
AR10CYFAAWKNSE | AC Inverter Windfree Ultra 1 PK
23% Rp6.099.000 Rp7.999.000
GRATIS INSTALASI Pipa 5 Meter + Bracket Senilai Rp750.000 Spesifikasi : -AC Split - 10.000 BTU/jam - Daya listrik 870 watt - Refrigerant R32 - Indoor: 37,5 x 88 x 29 cm - Digital Inverter - Smart Things Garansi Sparepart 1 Tahun Garansi Kompresor 10 Tahun
Panasonic 7000 gr
NA-F72MB1 Washing Machine
17% Rp3.299.000 Rp3.999.000
Spesifikasi : - WSG - Fuzzy Control - Smart Wash - Fuzzy Logic - Soft Closing Door - Tube Clean - Delay Start - Auto Restart - Auto Power Off - Dimensi: 52,5 x 51,5 x 90 cm GARANSI MOTOR 3 TAHUN
35% Rp10.499.000 Rp16.299.000
QLED TV 43 Inci, 4K Smart TV, Auto Rotation, Maximal, Google Assistant, Built-in, SmartThings, Auto Game Mode (ALLM), Resolution : 3.840 x 2.160, Konsumsi Daya Tetapan : 140 W, Dimensi : 136,5 x 27,2 x 73,8 cm, Display Hanya Di KHI & Bintaro, Garansi Panel 1 Tahun
16% Rp4.988.000 Rp5.999.000
Real 4K, Max Resolution 3849 x 2160, webOS Smart TV, Prosesor Al a5 Gen5, ThinQ Al & WebOS, Active HDR, HDR10 Pro, Profil Saya, Sport Alert, DImensi : 175 x 1236 x 774 mm, Garansi 1 Tahun Panel
Filma Minyak Goreng 2000 ml
Rp1.600 / 100 ml
Rp1.800 / 100 ml
Cadbury Dairy Milk Cashew Nut 62 gr
Rp143 / gr
Rp153 / gr
Rp159 / gr
Rp160 / gr
Rp168 / gr
Rp238 / gr
Campina Heart Strawberry Chocolate Vanilla 85 ml
Rp41 / ml
Rp62 / ml
Rp67 / ml
Rp129 / ml
Khong Guan Assorted Biscuit Red Persegi 1600 gr
Rp6.300 / 100 gr
Rp6.500 / 100 gr
Rp7.000 / 100 gr
Rp7.200 / 100 gr
Indomilk Susu UHT Full Cream Plain 950 ml
Rp1.500 / 100 ml
Rp1.700 / 100 ml
Sania Beras Premium 5000 gr
Rp14 / gr
Gulaku Gula Tebu Kuning 1000 gr
Rp17 / pcs
Rp21 / pcs
Sedaap Mie Goreng Original 90 gr X 5 pcs
Rp29 / gr
Rp30 / gr
Rp34 / gr
Sweety Bronze Pants Dry X-Pert M32 32 pcs
Rp1.770 / pcs
Rp1.995 / pcs
Rp2.079 / pcs
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Electronic City
Watsons Pinky Promise Disc. up to 50% + Extra up to 10% Member + Voucher 50K