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Harga Sabun Mandi Cair dan Promo di Alfamart dan Indomaret Hari Ini


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Promo JSM Sabun Mandi Cair di Alfamart dan Indomaret Weekend Ini

Promo Paket Sabun Mandi Cair di Alfamart dan Indomaret Hari Ini

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Tabel Harga Sabun Mandi Cair Hari ini

Daftar Harga Sabun Mandi Cair per 125 ml Hari ini
Merk Harga (Rp) Harga 125 ml (Rp) Dijual Di
Lifebuoy Body Wash Total 10, Lemon Fresh, Mild Care 850 ml Rp34.900 Rp5.132 Indomaret
Lifebuoy Body Wash Cool Fresh 450 ml Rp21.900 Rp6.083 Alfamart
Lifebuoy Body Wash Total 10 400 ml Rp21.900 Rp6.844 Alfamart
Lifebuoy Body Wash Mild Care 500 ml Rp30.000 Rp7.500 Alfamart
Lifebuoy Body Wash Lemon Fresh 100 ml x 4 botol Rp24.500 Rp7.656 Alfamart
Biore Body Foam Beauty All Variants 450 ml Rp16.900 Rp4.694 Indomaret
Biore Body Foam Beauty Pure Mild 800 ml Rp31.900 Rp4.984 Alfamart
Biore Guard Body Foam Lively Refresh 850 ml Rp46.900 Rp6.897 Alfamart
Biore Body Foam Beauty Relaxing Aromatic 100 ml Rp14.400 Rp18.000 Alfamart
Nuvo Body Wash Mild Protect, Total Protect, Sakinah, Active Cool 450 ml Rp13.500 Rp3.750 Alfamart
Dettol Body Wash Cool 800 ml Rp33.900 Rp5.297 Indomaret
Zen Anti Bacterial Body Wash Shiso & Sandalwood, Shiso & Sea Salt 400 ml Rp17.900 Rp5.594 Indomaret
Lux Botanicals Body Wash Sakura Bloom 400 ml Rp18.000 Rp5.625 Alfamart
Dove Body Wash Deeply Nourishing 400 ml Rp18.900 Rp5.906 Alfamart
Dove Body Wash Deeply Nourishing 1000 ml Rp69.900 Rp8.738 Alfamart

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