
Gabung WAG Komunitas Sahabat Hemat

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Harga Aice Es Krim dan Promo Terbaik Hari Ini


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Gabung WAG Komunitas Sahabat Hemat

Dapatkan update promo terbaru dan menarik, sharing informasi dan ajukan pertanyaan seputar harga diskon dan gaya hidup hemat melalui WhatsApp Group Komunitas Sahabat Hemat.

WhatsApp Group Komunitas Sahabat Hemat

Tabel Harga Aice Es Krim Hari ini

Daftar Harga Aice Es Krim per 700 ml Hari ini
Merk Harga (Rp) Harga 700 ml (Rp) Dijual Di
Aice Ice Cream Bucket Chocolate 8000 ml Rp159.000 Rp13.913 Blibli
Aice Sundae Alpukat Strawberry 800 ml Rp34.240 Rp29.960 Blibli
Aice Ice Cream Milk Melon 60 gr x 10 pcs Rp30.000 Rp35.000 Blibli
Aice Ice Cream Sweet Corn 52 gr x 10 pcs Rp30.000 Rp40.385 Blibli
Aice Mochi Strawberry 45 ml Rp2.693 Rp41.891 Blibli
Aice Ice Cream Mango Slush 65 gr Rp4.000 Rp43.077 Blibli
Aice Sundae Chocolate 100 ml x 12 pcs Rp79.000 Rp46.083 Blibli
Aice 3 in 1 Colors 95 gr x 5 box Rp37.500 Rp55.263 Blibli
Aice Ice Milk Sandwich 70 ml x 10 pcs Rp60.000 Rp60.000 Blibli
Aice Ice Cream Strawberry Crispy 55 gr Rp4.900 Rp62.364 Blibli
Aice Ice Cream Chocolate Almond 90 gr x 10 pcs Rp99.000 Rp77.000 Blibli
Aice Mochi Vanilla 30 gr Rp3.700 Rp86.333 Alfamart
Aice Ice Cream Durian 85 gr x 6 cup Rp99.000 Rp135.882 Blibli
Aice Mochi Assorted 10 pcs Rp44.700 Rp3.129.000 Hypermart

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